Trick or treat?
Halloween is the time of year when creativity comes alive. Families put together their efforts to have the best home decorations and costumes. People with DIY superpowers stay sleepless to create the best Halloween costume.Set a contest to reward all this effort. Make all people get interested on using your products and services, and get some interesting data from them in exchange. Create a contest with what interest to your audience and they’ll participate.
The gift must be stimulating, in order to ask as much information you want to take from your audience, and also, become viral. You can set any contest you can imagine with us, so just ask if any doubt and try our free trial to discover the easiest promo builder.
You can now easily set up your contest with the new demo promos that have been created for all users. Once you have logged in, just go to your promo list and select one of them!
Good luck and trick or treat!!