Should You Validate Or Not Validate Emails

Should You Validate Or Not Validate Emails

According to recent stats, majority of the online fraud activities that occur, occur mostly through emails. You can even trick an entire bank account amount out of a person through electronic mail. And to add to that, majority of the world’s population with access to the internet has an email account which the use for personal and professional communication.

The Primary Reason For Opting for Email Validation
Almost all of our communication has been restricted to the internet. Therefore, it has become quite the method of transferring confidential information as well. The biggest reason that email validation is important is that it reduces the chances of an alarming incident such as this to ever occur. If your customers refuse for email validation, we at RunRunPromos will not allow them to launch email campaign with our system. As far as granting the good functioning is concerned, we only send emails to validated email addresses.

It Takes Time
However, RunRunPromos understands that such an important task needs careful planning and attention to each and every detail. Therefore, this particular step in setting up a successful promo takes its time but delivers the best.

Worth it depending on your goals
It depends on your online business’s goals on whether email validation is the right option for you or not. For instance, you will need the email validation if you are conducting an online transaction. However, it would not be that much necessary if you are merely planning on conducting a simple promotional campaign based on no need for confidential information being passed between the client and the business. Check out for creating the best online promos for your business.

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