Organizing a Quiz with Raffle and Offering a Discount

Organizing a Quiz with Raffle and Offering a Discount

In order to provide details to the potential customers, the strategies opted in sales promotion play an important role. The approaches help the customer to get aware of the products and make decisions regarding them.

Organizing the quiz with and offering the discounts to the customers have become an increasingly popular way to enhance the clients’ desirability towards your business. Customers have always been fascinated by wining discounts on any specific product in the market.

How Organizing A Quiz With Raffle Is Beneficial?
Organizing a quiz with raffles and offering discounts to the customers can be beneficial for the customers and the business alike. Although both the contests vary greatly in terms of rule and procedures of playing, the combination of both can be one of the exciting experiences for the customers.

Quiz, on one hand, evaluates the knowledge of participants by sharing information on various topics. People find it a fun way to test their minds in less time. Raffles, on the other hand, allows the customers to win rewards from drawing the numbered tickets. Specifically when both the contests are followed by winning discounts, no customers can stop themselves from participating in it.

Why Customers Are Attracted Towards Discounts?
Giving away discounts on winning the quiz and raffles can help the customers to purchase a particular product in relatively less price. Marketers choose this method to entice the customer towards their business making the customers feels that it is smarter way to perform purchasing.

Holding up the quiz and raffles and gifting discounts as rewards would ultimately help in building up connection with customers and letting your customers have additional knowledge.

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